
Hello There wave

Navod Hansajith
Driven Web Developer with a Passion for Innovation and Success

I am a motivated web developer who loves finding creative solutions to complex problems. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality web solutions that drive business growth. I stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that my work is always of the highest quality. Whether working on custom website designs or complex e-commerce solutions, I am committed to delivering exceptional results.

hansajith18 GitHub Badge https://www.linkedin.com/in/hansajith18/ hansajith18

hansajith18 hansajith1998 hansajith18 hansajith18 12926962 hansajith18 hansajith18
📫 How to reach me hansajith18@gmail.com
Also, Check out
👉 Work GitHub profile
👉 Academic GitHub profile
👉 Research GitHub Organization

🔥🧑‍💻 GitHub Stats


activity-graph activity-graph

🔥⛏️ Languages and Tools

- #### Programming Languages php javascript nodejs java typescript c cplusplus csharp python dart
- #### Frameworks/Libraries laravel laravel express react redux bootstrap tailwind dotnet vuejs codeigniter
- #### Web Technologies html5 css3 sass babel webpack
- #### Mobile App Development reactnative flutter android kotlin
- #### Database & Tools mysql mariadb mongodb postgresql mssql firebase eloquent sequelize mongoose
- #### Version Control git smartgit
- #### Web servers apache nginx
- #### Devops aws
- #### OS linux ubuntu centos
- #### IDEs & Tools jetbrains webstorm phpstorm idea visual-studio-code visualstudio devcpp netbeans android-studio postman selenium
- #### Design photoshop dreamweaver figma coreldraw

🔥😎 Work Experience

> - ### Freelance Software Engineer
> >##### 2022 - Present > > - ### [Synotec Holdings (Pvt) Ltd](https://www.synotec.lk) > > **Web Full Stack Web Engineer**
> Sep 2020 - Present > > > **Web Developer Trainee**
> Mar 2020 - Aug 2020

🔥🎓 Education

BSc(Hons) Degree in Information Technology specializing in Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
Jun 2021 - 2025
NVQ-5 ICT Diploma, (Graduate)
2019 - 2020

Thanks for stopping by my GitHub profile and checking out my projects! Feel free to reach out if you have any feedback or collaboration ideas.